I live my life with passion in every sensation of the word. If seconds on an hourglass were pennies, I would not waste a cent. Life is too short to be lived without passion. Between motherhood, the restaurant, my farm, and exercising daily, I live my life to the fullest. My passion is life and everything it has to offer including opportunities, change, development, design, love, and even failure. I really enjoy the simplicity of walking through pastures on the farm, enjoying all that God has provided. I live for the thrill of creating a new plate or bailing hay, pushing my body in cross-training or horseback riding with my children. I love the life I live and the wonderful people that surround me. My grandfather used to say to me as a child, “Learn something new every day!” and I take that very seriously. I love learning and the gift of passing it forward.
Oftentimes I am asked how I get it all done. The answer is teamwork. I am blessed with a staff that cares. I understand that relationships in any situation are not easy. Patience and compassion are the foundation of a strong relationship. Listening to the words of Coach K, Dungy, and Lombardi, accomplishments in life take teamwork and the ability to look in the mirror for improvement. Though we may drop the ball, we practice hard and always strive for the playoffs because we are very passionate.
– Lisa Grim, Owner